
Tobias Pröll obtained a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) in 2004 and a venia docendi in Chemical and Energy Engineering at the Faculty of Technical Chemistry of TU Wien in 2012 where he was responsible for the Research Group Zero Emission Technologies. Since January 2013 he is full professor for Energy Technology and Energy Management at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU).

Ongoing research focuses on thermal fuel processing, fluidized bed systems, emerging CO2 capture technologies, and energy efficiency increase in buildings and industry by heat integration and active waste heat utilization using heat pump systems. He is experienced in process modelling and design and in fluidized bed system design and operation. So far, he supervised 8 completed PhD theses as official main supervisor (3 at the TU Wien and 5 at the BOKU) and another 5 PhD theses as inofficial immediate supervisor at the TU Wien. He was previously part of more than 20 PhD defense committees in several European countries.