Syposium Chairman: Prof. Per Kjellgren

Symposium on Improving Competitiveness of Geothermal Energy, July 30th, 2025:

Geothermal energy is the only renewable energy source that is available 24/7, all year around, and in principle anywhere on the planet. It is a baseload supply, has low CO2 emissions, and geothermal power stations have small footprints. Despite these advantages, geothermal has only a tiny fraction of the energy market. There are several reasons for this: relatively high costs, technical and financial risks, and lack of knowledge. To address this, a one-day symposium on Improving Competitiveness of Geothermal Energy will be held during the SEEP 2025 conference:

SEEP Conference, Symposium on Improving Competitiveness of Geothermal Energy, July 30th, 2025:

The overall theme of the symposium will be focused on improving the competitiveness of geothermal energy, for example by reducing costs, improving performance, reducing risks, increasing application areas and locations, improving flexibility and integration in energy systems, and more. A non-exhaustive list of topics are:


The symposium is open to everyone and is an excellent opportunity to see current state-of-the-art research and technologies as well as engage in discussions and interact with engineers, researchers, students, and professionals in the geothermal energy area.

Abstracts, Papers, Presentations

Authors are invited to submit abstracts to Part 1 & 2 ( Part 3 presentations are reserved for GeoFlexHeat partners) through the SEEP paper submission system at no later than May 15th, 2025. Acceptance of abstracts will be notified on May 30th, 2025, and the deadline for the full paper is July 15th, 2025. Authors of full papers will be invited to give a 15-minutes presentation (10 min presentation + 5 min Q&A).

Registration Fees

Full paper authors of the Geothermal Energy Symposium enjoy a discounted fee of just ยฃ425, with full access to the whole SEEP 2025 conference and all symposiums, a copy of the proceedings, lunches, refreshments and a conference dinner. For other participants, please see regular SEEP 2025 fee schedule: